Thursday, 15 September 2011

Truth or Dare

Initial general ideas 
 - To start with have a close up of a bottle spinning, zoom out to show us sitting in a circle - having a game of "truth or dare".
 - Versus can show a story happening, showing group members doing "Dares" and then when the song goes back to the chorus we can go back to the sitting in a circle, spinning a bottle playing "Truth or Dare"
Discussion of genres of track and convention requirement 
 - Rock music so there should be quite a lot of fast cuts to keep up with the speed of the music.
 - Steady but fast moving camera
 - Showing the "band" and instruments
Embed videos that have influenced your thinking

This music video of the same name influenced our music video by showing a similar style of music and using instruments and band members in the chorus to enforce the rock genre conventions.

Location, props and costume ideas
 - Garage
 - Spin the bottle outside on the grass
 - Props: Bottle to spin, Instruments, casual wear for costumes.
Discussion of key narrative element or abstracts

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