Thursday, 1 December 2011

Evalation of Music Video

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
In our music video we use different effects that are used in other pop music videos, with bright lights and lots of editting, we made a music video that fit the convention of the genre.
To make sure that we made a music video that fit the right conventions that are used in this genre, as well as using similar methods that the original artist uses we looked at other videos made my Rihanna - Rude Boy.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancilliary texts?
After planning, and then making our music video, we went on to make a dvd cover, and a magazine cover that featured, not only our music video, but other videos that could be on that CD. We kept the theme of using bright colours, as was used in our music video, however as we didn't want to make this look like a single for our music video, we used other features, for example the font of the texts is very intricate, and the the gradients used to fill in the artist. We also used very 3d backgrounds, to make it look a bit more interesting and eye catching.
I think that from looking at our music video, as well as our magazine cover and dvd cover, they compliment each other nicely, as they both share similar features, but both have differences that give the music video its individuality.
3.What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
From our audience feedback, i learnt how the filters over the lip syncing worked well, as well as having the lip synced, well synced. The bubbles blown behind the camera were also very effective, and the audience liked the fact that the bubbles weren't over-done, but still enough to be noticed and appreciated.
Close ups of our artist allowed the audience to recognize and engage with the artist; and the audience liked the fact of the video cutting to different scenes on the beats. We were told that the video demonstrated its video genre, and had good individuality.
4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
In our video, editing was a really important part of forming our music video, without the technologies used (Final Cut Express) we wouldn't have been able to add the filters, to make the music video a bit abstract. Also by using final cut express, we were able to make the transition between clips look a lot better, with it fading in and out between clips.

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