Thursday, 20 October 2011

Research into filters and special effects.

We have thought about using special effects when it comes to the lips. Like the lips have were a key feature in the Rihanna Rude Boy video we want to enhance specific features whether it is the lips or the eye etc. To do this we would need to green screen them however we have had a few problems with this as the lips is the only thing we want to highlight. We have experimented this by cutting out a hole in a large green piece of card. We like the outcome of this technique even if it was very quick to do. We are going to look into this technique in more detail and we have come up with the idea of getting some green face paints to pain the face and neck so that when we film this the focus will only be on the lips. This video can be found on the blog, as you can see the technique has worked and we are really happy with the outcome but are willing to spend time perfecting this.

Other special effects that we've looked into include the re-wind that we are interested in using. We think that this special effect will work well 55 seconds into the song. This is where there are several beats next to each other and it is at this point where we could use the re-wind effects in time with the beat. This is also an effect that has been used in Rihanna Rude Boy but we think that this will be a very good way to involve more effects into our video as well as getting the audience interested in watching this video.

Our music video will be interesting because of the vast difference between our locations as well as the many different camera angles and effects that will be used. We feel that we don't need to include as many effects as some other music videos would because of our use of the dark room. By using this it is already a special effect in itself. As the dark room scenes with the UV paint will be very striking, the scenes that will be outside will need some special effects to make them the same quality as the dark scenes.

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